Friday, March 2, 2012

Can science prove there is a God?

The introduction to my blog says that I will discuss various subjects from religion to science.  I meant for it to basically say I will talk about anything, from one extreme to another.  Science and religion have rarely gotten along over the millennia, and usually it is understood that if you believe in one, you can't believe in the other.  For me, I would have to disagree on that statement.  The more science articles that I continue to read, because of my heavy interest in science, the more I believe it all points to God.

To start simple, when you look at the thousands of species that exist on this earth and that humans became the dominant species, is a sign from God.  When you look at the human body, it is weak, brittle, clumsy, and sometimes stupid.  From a science point of view, the only thing that separates  humans from other species is our brain.  Because of the growth of the human brain over thousands of years, we have been able to become the dominant species.  My question would be how could this be an accident by nature.  Humans are not the fastest species on the planet, we're not the strongest species on the planet, and we're not most durable species on the planet.  So how can it be that we didn't become extinct because we were eaten out of existence or died of some deadly viral epidemic?

Today many people are mauled by lions, tigers, and other animals everyday, and every time I read an article the author usually writes "these attacks seem to happen more frequently because the animals have found humans are easy prey."  In today's world, most of us live in some type of a building structure.  Thousands of years ago, we lived in caves and tried to defend ourselves from predators with rocks and sticks.  How is it that the animals didn't know then that we were easy prey?  How did we not become the bottom of the food chain for those animals?  Some may say we became smart enough to defend ourselves, but how is that any different than today and we still become a tiger's lunch?

Now we are going to dive in a bit deeper and discuss science at it's smallest level.  Quantum physics has been a hot topic over the past 40 years or so.  After Einstein's Theory of Relativity, which explained gravity at the biggest level, quantum physics has tried to explain gravity at the smallest level.  At the smallest level of physics, atoms and particles behave differently that when they are combined, they form large objects.  We see this in an experiment called the Double-slit experiment. 

Think of a fully automatic paintball gun and a wall that has two vertical slits in it with another wall behind that one.  If you were to begin shooting your paintball gun at the wall with the two vertical slits, each individual paintball would pass through the slits causing a vertical paint pattern on the other wall.  Now think of the same two vertical slits, but instead of paintballs, you shine a flashlight at the two vertical slits.  What would be reflected on the wall behind the slitted wall would be an array of vertical lines (more than just two vertical lines).  This occurs because light travels in waves and when the waves pass through an opening, they interfere with each other.  When the light waves pass through two slits, the waves come back together and cause interference patterns.  What is even more interesting, is when you take particles and shoot them through the same two slits.

When you think of a particle, think of a paintball.  A particle is a ball of protons, electrons, and neutrons.  When scientists shot a stream of particles through a two slit wall, the ball of particles produced a wave like patten...much like the patten a flashlight has.  How can this be if particles are balls of energy that travel in straight lines and not waves?  The scientists thought that multiple particles were being fired at the same time causing an error, so they conducted the experiment again.  This time they shot one single particle towards the double slits thinking it would produce two vertical stripes, like the paintballs, but again it produced a wave like pattern.  So scientists tried to observe the particles leaving the source and passing through the slits.  What ending up happening was baffling, the particles then produced the two vertical striped patterns.  How can this be when the same experiment caused it to produce an interference wave pattern?  So they took the camera away from the slits, and again the particles produced a wave like pattern.  

This is what scientists call duality, when something can behave differently based upon observation.  What scientists found was that when the camera wasn't rolling, the single particle being shot at the two slits actually passed through both of them at the same time.  How can this be when particles are balls and travel in a straight line?  Only when the scientists observed or filmed the particles, they behaved like balls, not waves, and traveled in a straight line.  This concludes that only when we observe something, it becomes part of our reality and consciousness.  When we are not observing something, all possible probabilities can occur.  

Some scientist believe that because of this duality, God doesn't exist because if He was omnipresent then duality would cease to exist.  Because God would be there to keep the balls of particles from ever becoming waves, we would only see  a two bar pattern.  Some atheist use this as a way to prove God doesn't exist.

For other scientist this proves that God does exist.  They say this because if we are a part of God's consciousness, then when God does observe us, we behave in a certain way (the way God wants us to behave).  What this means is that if I think about talking to a person about Jesus, science would say that I may or may not do it or I may do both...but how could this be?  But because I do make a decision and I do or don't talk to that person, I only behaved in one manner, not both simultaneously.  Because God is always observing us, we are always doing God's will, whether we know it or not.  Now we may fall off path but at the end of it all we are exactly where God wants us to be.  

So if science can truly say that the thousands, if not millions, of species are all by chance, and humans became the dominant species by chance...that probability would be googolplex to one (a googolplex is something like 10 with twenty zeros after it).  If science, is right we are just an anomaly in the universe and we are only here by pure chance.  Or is it easier to believe that a divine being created us and destined humans to be the dominate species by guiding us along the way?  

I believe that the creation story references the big bang, Jesus created the universe from nothing.  Science says the universe popped into existence from nothing.  Not sure if scientists are just stubborn or not willing to admit they were wrong.  Or maybe they don't want to admit there is a higher power than ourselves, either way, God will have His glory in the end.

Glory always be to God!

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