Friday, March 2, 2012

Is God Greater than Satan?

This will be my first blog ever and I thought I would start it with something interesting and heavy.  I recently read an article and it asked the question, "Is Satan more powerful than God?" I found the article through an iPhone app called Zite.  Zite is an app that allows you to subscribe to various topics, and it finds magazine and news articles to populate your page with your interests.  One of the topics I selected was God.

I selected this topic because it not only finds articles that discuss religion, but it also posts articles from atheist sites and magazines as well.  To be up front, this blog is not about bashing atheist or other religions, it's about discussing relevant questions many of us ask ourselves daily.

The article can be found on and it's more of a picture than an article.  In summary the article talks about how Satan is greater than God because he only had to get man to sin for all of man to fall out of favor with God, and God had to conduct an elaborate process to try and save His people from death.  Because Satan will more than likely take more people to hell than God will bring to heaven, the article concludes Satan is greater than God.

I thought it was interesting some Christians think this this is true, and that de-churched atheist think this as well.  And that thought may have led them to believe that there isn't a God, because if He isn't all powerful then how could He exist?  It is hard for some, including Christians, to wrap their mind around the fact that Satan can defy God and cause people to sin and ultimately be led to destruction and get away with it.

Now I don't claim to be a theologian or be the most wise about the bible, but here are my thoughts on this article.  Satan wants us to believe he is more powerful than God because if he can convince us that he is then he's done his job.  We may sometimes think that Satan is more "powerful" because it only takes a whisper in our ear to cause us to sin and for us to fall not repent and go to hell, and it take God (Jesus) to come down in the flesh to die to fix everything and make things new.  But all of Satan's work can be undone through true faith in Christ, and God's work can never been undone.  Then the article even goes as far to say that Jesus' sacrifice did not work because only a few will be saved and many will deny Him.

What the article does not mention is why God hates sin, and that all that has happened and will happen was God's plan from all along.  For me, God cannot stand sin because He is perfect and without sin, and for us to sin is to say that we know better than God, which is very disrespectful.  Also, it was our sin that led Jesus to have to sacrifice Himself when we did not deserve that sacrifice.  When Adam and Eve were created they were perfect and without sin.  They walked and talked to God much like we do with our friends and family.  When Adam and Eve opted to disobey God they took a stance that basically said that I know what is better for me Lord than you do.

Think of a time when your parents told you not to do something and you did it anyway.  You probably got hurt or in trouble because you thought you knew better than your parents.  This is the same broken relationship that God had with Adam and Eve because of their sin, and now the entire Earth is not broken.  Animals eat other animals, animals mate with their own children, and animals have homosexual tendencies. I am not bashing homosexuality and my sin of lusting or lying is no less than the sin of homosexuality, they are equal in God's eyes.  But the Earth is crying out for God to make everything right, and because of our continued sin it will never be fixed until Jesus comes back.  This is why I believe the bible mentions that the Lion will lay next to the lamb when the new Earth is established (Heaven). Everything will be fixed and back to the way it was once before.

Matthew 7:13 talks about the road is wide that leads to destruction and that many will enter it.  So from the beginning God knew that a few will be saved through His Son. So I ask myself, how can Satan be more powerful if God knew few would be chosen?  How can we say that God is losing the battle, when we know who will win the war based on scripture?  Regardless of the plans we try to make on our own, God will always receive His glory.  One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that  Jesus Christ is the Lord, and yes I even believe Satan will do the same before his final death in the lake of fire.

So how can this article conclude that Satan is more powerful than God when Satan loses in the end?

Glory always be to God!


  1. No doubt God is more powerful! But, you must have faith to believe! I believe. Do you? Satan is only as strong as we let him be in our lives. I agree we are not perfect but, we can be forgiven. Life can give us ups and downs but it is up to us how we respond. God gives us grace and mercy and free will to choose. I choose Christ!

  2. Thank you for your comment and I agree God is more powerful beyond comparison. I believe God chose to save me for a reason and a purpose. I only hope that I listen to His direction and fulfill my duties, regardless of how it ends for me.

    I apologize for the grammar errors, I have tried to clean those up. It's tough putting together complete and coherent sentences at 1 o'clock in the morning.
