Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Christians vs. Atheists

So this is a topic that I have been thinking about for quite some time now.  In one of my earlier post I reference Zite and all the articles that I read from the app each day.  Most center around science and space discoveries and the other half centers around religion.  What is interesting is how connected they are but yet each side is trying to disprove the other.  This battle has been going on for centuries and the only thing that may stop it is either Jesus coming back or aliens stating that we are a great science experiment.

My comment above about aliens is a bit extreme but if you watch enough shows from "Ancient Aliens"you can see how some of their points make sense...but it's rare I ever agree with their logic.  What is interesting is that they would rather believe in aliens with no proof of their existence, and not a living God whom they have never seen.  I don't want to get caught up in the physics of why I think aliens don't exist or have visited our planet, but to go to one extreme to another is just crazy in mind.  It is this type of logic that has led to this silent war between atheist and Christians.

From my readings over the past year or so I have realized that most atheist know more about Christianity than your standard Christian.  In my opinion, I believe this has come about for two reasons.  Reason one is that fact that atheists have spent time trying to find out if God does or doesn't exist, and their conclusion of course is that He doesn't.  On the other hand you have complacent Christians who believe by saying a prayer, doing good deeds, and going to church they are saved...therefore no need to learn more about a Man who gave His life for you.  Because of this complacency and misinformation, Christians have become a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

I say this about Christians out of love, not hate or disappointment because I am not perfect either.  But today every half witted Christian gets on TV, radio, or the news and spouts off about some crazy idea they have about God, and the whole world laughs.  I just read an article today that stated a US senator said that global warming cannot exist because it doesn't say so in the bible.  I haven't read the bible word for word, but I do think theology scholars would have pointed that out many years ago when global warming became a hot topic.  But because of this false information, security, and beliefs, atheist have every right to not want to partake in a religion full of posers.

As I stated in another blog, most atheist become atheist over time...unless you were raised in an atheist home.  Because of this gradual move from Christianity to atheism, most atheist know quite a lot about the bible.  Now I am not saying what they know is correct theology, but their knowledge of what is inside is quite profound.  The knowledge they possess about the bible is often used to refute and mock Christians, and because not all Christians get into the word like they should, they tend to find themselves being attacked for their lack of knowledge.

What I do find interesting is that more and more people are becoming atheist, and they have begun to force their beliefs and ways into everyone's everyday life.  When I was younger I attended a public school and over the loud speaker the principle would say a prayer every day.  We then would say the pledge and even said "one nation, under God" in the pledge.  Today things have changed, atheist have become a loud voice in the public and government to get these types of things stopped.  Prayer can no longer be led by a faculty member, teachers can't be partial to Christianity, and to some circumstances you can't even wear cross necklaces at work.

I read an article from the BBC and it stated that two workers were removed from their jobs because they wore cross necklaces around their neck in plain sight.  Now these weren't extravagant super large necklaces, just your typical jewelry necklace so this shouldn't be a problem.  The article stated that the cross necklaces made people feel uncomfortable and created tension in the workplace.  Are you serious, a piece of jewelry makes people feel uncomfortable?  What is next the word church, Christian, or bible will be outlawed in the workplace?  Now if you believe in bible prophecy and revelation, I see that situation coming down the road soon.

In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson makes the statement "all men are created equal by their Creator."  It's interesting to me that he capitalizes Creator.  I understand the whole separation of church and state, but America was founded on Christianity.  The very thing that made America independent from all other nations, the Dec. of Independence, talks about God and now we want to remove Him.  Why?  Because the minority of individuals don't like being told there is a greater power, when they don't believe that.  And it's sad to say that America caters to the minority.

Now you can say it's unconstitutional or whatever, but the fact of the matter is that if your government is led by individuals, then their freedom of speech and religion cannot be removed because they work for the government.  I have seen managers get fired because they wouldn't allow muslims to take a break to pray, but yet we hush Christian government officials.  I find it interesting that if you are anything but Christian your rights are protected these days.  But maybe us Christians had a large part in doing this to ourselves?

I read an article that asked the question, "Why do we disobey God?"  The article discusses that Christians are fair weather individuals, when things are great we give more, we go to church more, and we pray more.  When things get tough most of those things stop and we question God's motives because they aren't aligned to what we thought was going to happen.  The article concludes that we disobey God because we don't understand how bad sin is for us and the world.  In my opinion, this is why the world view of Christianity is the way it is, a joke.

Atheist look at Christianity and say there is no God because look how bad the world is today.  The world is bad because that is what we humans have caused not God.  God has allowed it to happen because we have disobeyed him repeatedly.  When your parents punished you for doing something you were told not to, you didn't think to yourself these aren't my parent because they would never punish me for something so silly.  Instead you understood why you spanked or grounded and you learned from your mistakes.  In my opinion this is what is happening today.  God at any moment can make it all stop, but continued disobedience means continue hardships.

There was an article posted a few weeks ago and it stated that some big atheist leader wasn't 100% sure there wasn't a God.  The article stated that he felt this way now because no one can be 100% sure of anything that is out of this realm.  What this means to me is that as he has gotten older, he has begun to question if his logic is right.  Now the gentleman will still say he's 99% sure God isn't real, but what he is really saying is that he doesn't know.  In my opinion it's all or nothing, there is no halfway point...and this is how most atheist feel, in my opinion, they don't know.  I a friend whi was an atheist tell me that they were unsure if there was a god and if they got to heaven and Jesus asked him why he didn't believe, he said that he would ask Jesus why he didn't make himself known and speak to him.  In my mind that's a relevant, but stupid question.  When did Jesus not make himself known?  There's a whole half of a book based on his life and teachings.  One man changed the world in 33 years, what has ever come close to accomplishing that?

In conclusion, it seems that there is a struggle for power in America, Christian vs. Atheist.  Neither side is really winning...I say this only because the bible tells us it's only going to get worse for Christian, and I see this trend continue every day.  But I do believe that we should let people voice their feelings, if you want to pray in it, if you don't want to...leave or don't pray.  If you don't want religion forced on you don't take part in those activities or view the material.  It's almost as if Christians and atheists have to have all or nothing, why can't there be a compromise?  If men can get along and live with women, why can't we do the same?  Besides, election states that if God wants to save you, there is nothing that you can do about it, even if you are an atheist now.  At some point in your life God will call you and you will come.  Just because you don't believe in the devil and hell doesn't protect you from those things.  Search your heart and then search your soul, you will find that there is freedom in Christ because death and the grave doesn't have to be our final resting place.

Praise be to God, Always!

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